27.12.2006 - Happy New Year!

Dear friends, great fans of “The Beatles”!
Happy New Year! I wish you lots of bright, nice and unforgettable events in the following year! And the amount of Beatles anniversaries in 2007 is really impressive!
- The 1st of June 2007 – 40th anniversary of the legendary “Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” album release.
- The 18th of June 2007 – 65th anniversary of Paul McCartney.
- The 6th of July 2007 – 50 years of John Lennon and Paul McCartney’s meeting (many people consider this date “The Beatles” Birthday)
- The 27th of November 2007 - 40th anniversary of “Magical Mystery Tour” album release.
So quite a wonderful year is waiting for us and I hope the splendid Beatles music won’t leave indifferent millions of those who know it already and those who will only get acquainted with it. And we’ll help them to love it organizing various festivals, releasing magazines and articles, doing everything possible to make this music as popular as the music of such excellent composers as Bah, Beethoven, Mozart and etc.
I hug and hearty congratulate my like-minded friends Alexey Lyamin, Leonid Tihomirov (St.-Petersburg), Vladimir and Sergey Snopov (Beatles association, magazine " From Me To You ", Samara), Sergey Aslanov and ("BeatlesClub.Ru ", Moscow), Vladimir Neretin ("Festival of the friends of Beatles music", Tolyatti), Robert Pilosyan (Sergiev Posad), Nikolay Rastorguev and Valery Jarushin (Moscow), and also my friends from Belarus - Valery Dajneko, Vladimir Tkachenko, Victor Molchanov, Nikolay Takunov, Valery Suryaev, Nikolay Kotov, Sergey Kochanovskiy, Gennady Starikov and personally - Nikolay Vasin (long years to you and be with us, Kolya!)
Best regards, Victor Morozevich.
